Multimedia :: Playing .wav files

One more thing that I forgot to mention in my original post was that when I click the .wav file in emelfm, the Xmms client comes up without actually playing the file. Automatically, a "Play files" window pops up. When I make the selection of the file to play and then click on "play" within this "Play files" window, nothing happens other than the "play files" window disappearing. Does this additiona piece of info provides any clue to the anyone here what might be wrong?

If someone has some other advice or using some other programs (other than xmms) that I can easily download from the DSL repository to play wav files, I will really appreciate it.


I was just saying that you should not have to add anything to play wav files in xmms. I just opened a list of short .wav files in emelfm and xmms opened and played them..I really do not know what the issue is..what are you playing and why do you want to play wav...I use .wav in opera so tested in xmms...some do not work in opera, not sure why but all played in xmms..
If xmms works for mp3 but not for wav, trying other software isn't likely going to help.  Generally apps that need to read common file formats will rely on shared libraries to do the actual decoding.  If you install another piece of software it will most likely have the same results.  
Possibly the PCM mixer is muted.
Another possibility, maybe you somehow disable the wav plugin in xmms.
Or your wav files might be corrupted, or be something other than standard wavs (wma maybe?).

I'm just making guesses here.

If you do want to try something else, there is a sox extension in the mydsl repository, which is a commandline audio player/editor.  The command to play wavs from sox in DSL is "/opt/sox/play  filename.wav".

original here.