Multimedia :: Want to automatically boot media player.
Hi guys
Im new to DSL, just wondering how can i automatically boot a media player, for example "M Player" as soon as DSL loads?
And if so can it automatically play a media file e.g mpeg, wav.?
Thanks for any help
put something like this in .xinitrc, just before the windowmanager:
mplayer /path/to/filename.mpg &
Since it will start to load before the window manager does, it might be better to put it in a script with a pause, though:
Code Sample
sleep 3
exec mplayer /path/to/filename.mpg
and start the script from xinitrc, with "&" at the end of the script command.
You might be able to use the built in mpg321 player. I like to have this run at startup. I put it in the .xinitrc file in the /home/dsl directory:
mpg321 -q -g 50 -o oss ~/torvalds-says-linux.mp3 &
My favorite mp3 to put on new linux users machines and have played at startup is from this site:
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