Multimedia :: Where to put the skins for xmms in dsl 2.3

I am new to Damn Small Linux
I am an ex Winblows user =)

I would like to know where to put the skins for xmms in dsl 2.3



I'm running 2.2 but think the skins go in /home/dsl/xmms/skins..if you did not know, you must click "H" to view hidden files. hope this helps..there is a skins extension which installs additional skins via mydsl also. can be found in the repository.
Thanks a lot man

And I have a question for you

Why dont you change for DSL 2.3

oh and you should go on its a radio from N-Y

you can download the .pls

Its very cool

Thanks again man
scuse me for my english cause I am a french user

oh and do you have a us keyboard because I dont know how to do th apostrophe so I am obliged to write "I am" instead of "Im"

Thanks Bye Bye


dsl2.2 was a gift and I see no reason at the moment to change to 2.3..yes I am useing us keyboard, however I am is actually better than I'm and Im may be understood, perhaps as haste in typeing should this be a concern.

original here.