Brian AwPhuchCould be interesting... I'll have to take a closer look. I use EDNA often. The demo webpage displays more information then I really need but it's probably worth a shot. Do you already have it running under DSL?
Thanks for the heads up.Brian,
I see a .dsl extension in your near future.....I've given it a little run with Xampp. Used the mySQL backend. It's not bad. A lot more information then EDNA provides but if all you want is album art and a list of Music EDNA is faster, at least on my 566mhz server. When used on the standard Xampp install you'll get an error message during install of Jinzora saying that several of your "max" something-or-other settings in PHP are too small. I recommend you go into your php.ini and change those settings and then restart lampp. The first time I tried to install Jinzora I didn't make the changes and several screens did not show up.
I didn't look too deeply into it but I think there was an option for a SQLite backend. So you might be able to run it on a standard DSL install by just adding the PHP myDSL extention. That would be nice.
You also don't need to have a database backend at all. It will build a filesystem cache. If you have a small (and they don't say what "small" means) library of music.
It's a good find. Gives music buffs a nice option. Use EDNA for low-power music server or use Jinzora if you got the cycles to spare.
original here.