Multimedia :: disappearing sound
Curious... I run the live cd (v2.3), bring up a firefox window, surf to a music site, click on a stream and up pops a media player. Not only that--- I can actually hear music. Mind you, this is the first Linux distro I've tried that has actually succeeded in playing music. At ALL.
"Awesome," I say to myself, and confidently install it to the hard drive. It reboots itself, I log in, launch firefox, click on a stream and... NOTHING. Not only that, a dialog box tells me that the media player cannot be found.
What's up with that?
May be a bad install. I personaly have had bad installing on a old computer with DSL. But I'm still a linux newb so don't take my word to full on that (even though I have had bad installs).
Tell me about it. I can't for the life of me figure out the logic in a configuration that changes between the live cd and the install. I mean, shouldn't they be identical?
Oh, well. I'll try you guys' distro again when it hits 3.0--maybe this "feature" will be ironed out by then.
Well, what kind of install? If you do the Frual install, then it acts exactly like the Live CD, but on the hard drive. I have done it many times with no problems, starting with DSL 0.9 to the present DSL-2.3
Frugal install is the one I did. I was *really* impressed when I saw it install to the hard drive AT THE SAME TIME that it was running as a live cd. Damn. If I wasn't so in love with my music, I would have used it exclusively. But, Jesus, for power and speed, can you beat a distro that installs and runs concurrently??!!
Anywho, to the topic at hand, my frugal install was not indentical to the live CD. By way of proof I offer precious little besides my account of clicking on *.pls links in firefox before and after the install in question. I have every confidence that DSL does its best to assure every frugal install is as faithful as possible to the CD. I also have every confidence that if I weren't so overworked/tired/ignorant/lazy I could track down the misconfiguration responsible, but alas, I am a college student.
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