Multimedia :: OPL3-SA3 card detected....driver load BUT NO SOUND
Hi to all...
This is my firts post.....
I run DSL from the CD , my ISA PNP Soundcard is
but NO sound...with Xmms....
The hardware tag in control panel that OPL3-SA3
is detected and ad1848 driver is load....but don't work.
The dmesg tag show the detection of the card....with this
ad1848/cs4248 codec driver
ad1848: OPL3-SA2 WSS mode detected
ad1848: ISAPnP reports 'OPL3-SA2 WSS mode' at
i/o 0xe80, irq5, dma 1,3
Any help will be useful..
I have the same problem, my soundcard is detected, is an AZT3011 PnP SOUND DEVICE:MPU401 MIDI drivers=ad1848
But when I run xmms, tell me that my soundcard isn't configurated. Excuse my english, I'm speak spanish, I install DSL 3 days ago, in a PC with pentium MMX 200MHz, with 32MB in RAM, I'm amazing with this distro of Linux. I'll wait for an answer, thanks
yo tengo el mismo problema, me detecta la tarjeta de sonido, AZT3011 PnP SOUND DEVICE:MPU401 MIDI drivers=ad1848, pero al correr xmms, me dice que la tarjeta no es detectada o no esta configurada... agradeceria una respuesta, de todos modos sigo buscando.
PD: instale alsadebs.dsl, y encontre algo de que debo bootear con dsl alsa, y en realidad no se como ni donde hacer eso, en menu.lst, en .xinitrc, porque al hacerlo en el "login", me dice que el ingreso es incorrecto. Que esten bien y gracias.
How Linux can't automatically configure Plug and Play ISA is necessary assign manually resources (port, irq, dma) to driver or use a configuration sound card utility.
Procedure using utility:
1) You need download a Debian utility from internet called: sndconfig. You can do so:
Enable (If never was enabled) APT on your DSL:
Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt
2) Open Xterminal and write commands:
dsl@box:~$ sudo su
root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get update
3) After the process is finished, download package Debian utility
root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get install sndconfig
4) Launch utility:
root@box:/home/dsl# sndconfig
Automatically will do the work.
5) Testing:
Launch XMMS player.
Click rightbutton over XMMS
Click to "Play Location" and write:
Click OK
You should hear a 1000 Hz tone, if all went well.
REMARK: That procedure was to DSL HD Install.
If DSL running from CDROM (Also usefull HD Install):
Open up Aterminal and do following commands:
sudo su
insmod "module" io="?" irq="?" dma="?" dma2="?" mpuio="?" mpuirq="?"
"module"= driver module for your sound chipset
You can get the resources assigns (irq, dma, port) from your Bios.
If command insmod fails can be necessary to study the results from lsmod command. So know about other sound modules what was loaded on boot time to remove it and insert it again, before to insert the driver module.
No le recomiendo installar ALSA. Su tarjeta de sonido deberia trabajar bien con el driver OSS que puede configurar con uno u otro procedimiento descriptos arriba.
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