Multimedia :: No sound...

The sound works in XP but it doesn't in DSL.

I've tried downloading alsadeb and the two dependencies, but, no luck.

What else can I try?

Texaco van der Aarse

You probably just need to modprobe the drivers, because I think that basic Sound Blaster drivers are included in OSS. You don't need alsa.;st=5

I managed to discover that my webcam was interfering with DSL discovering the sound card.  (For some reason, it lists it as a microphone of all things).

But, modprobe-ing has not helped.

Any other thoughts?

Your webcam probably has a built in mic, bu that shouldn't stop DSL from seeing your sound card. When you open xmms and push play, does the default radio station (classical one) play? Do you see the bar graph moving? Often, the sound is defaulted to mute so you need to open Dmix and unmute things.
No, all I get is a popup window titled "Couldn't open audio" which contains:

"Please check that:
1. You have the correct output plugin selected
2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
3. You soundcard is configured properly"

Well, I can safely answer #2:  "Definitely not"

My only experience with Linux is Mandrake (prior to it changing to Mandriva) and I remember that it did have problems with my sound with 10.0 and 10.1 but, oddly enough not 9.0 or 9.1.

How on earth do I check that I have the correct plugin selected and then configure the soundcard properly?

Any help gratefully acknowledged.

Texaco van der Aarse

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