Multimedia :: iTunes like player that works on DSL

I am looking for an mp3 player for DSL that had iTunes like music managment capabilites (search, sort by artist, librarys, etc)  Also could you point me twords directions for installation if they are not in the readme. (I am new to linux)


check the repositories for realplayer. its some of these functions......


thanks.  I will message back here with problems i will probably have (I always do)
If you right click on xmms, there is a playlist manager. I think xmms will do a lot more than many people know about. I'm no expert, but I do use it with mp3s.

xmms is great....very small...but doesn't play wma's. i know.....winblows format....but mplayer plays 'em just fine. if i could find a howto on ripping mp3's and making them as efficient as wma's i would convert in a minute!


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