Multimedia :: IBM PC 300PL

Greetings all !

 Well.. I have a boat anchor PC that I am currently running Mandriva on  only because it is small and will make the mouse move..

 The mouse is a PS/2 with the little nub for moving the mouse..

 I have tried all the different ports.. am thinking maybe an IRQ thing.. what do you guys think ?

 Also.. the souind card is not recognized.. its a WSS/ESS that DSL says uses a AD1876 ( I think that number is correct).. driver..  but no joy there .. checked the etc mod info.. and those modules are loaded.. weird..  the settings I found were x530 , and DMA1 =0  IRQ =10. that is all I got.

thanks in advance !


Frequently the sound problems is the resources assignation (irq, dma, port) for the sound controller.
If you have a ISA Plug and Play sound card that is the problem.
I believe the way more easy to find the correct resources is the sndconfig utility.
I have explained that before here: sndconfig
Thus you will find the correct resource assignments for the driver but that is lost when the computer reboot.
After DSL boot, you must remove manually all from the sound modules to try to reload manually the module with the correct resource assignments for the driver. Write all from that commands to /opt/ file. Thus DSL boot with that configuration and the problem will be solved.

IMPORTANT: sndconfig first test do a automatic configuration. If utility fails to configure automatically then pass to manual configuration without reset your previous automatic configuration. Then the manual configuration too fails, still if resource assignments was corrects.
However if running the utility with the option --noprobe then pass directly to manual configuration resetting correctly any other configuration.

original here.