Multimedia :: IS there a HOW TO for playing DVD's?

Could anybody point me to a HOW TO for setting up DSL to playback commercial encrypted DVD's?  I got it sorted on a my SuSE PC using the stuff on the Jem Report pages.  I'm not sure on how to go about it on DSL though.

Can anybody point me in the right direction, please?



I am new to DSL but I have got dvds to work on my install. so here is what I did

first I downloaded the following Mydsl packages:


once those are loaded if you play a DVD and it appears "choppy" then you need to set the DVD drive to DMA mode. you can do this at boot time with the boot time option "dma" or you can do this with command: (thanks to Mikshaw for showing it too me) sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/XXX where XXX is the drive name of your DVD drive. in my case it was hdb.

I hope this helps,


Cheers for that, Jason.  I'm going to install DSL onto a 256 flash drive in the next few days....when it actually arrives that is ???  I'll load those onto it then.  

I may well put DSL onto a spare HD I have too.  I have to say it is very impressive :)

original here.