Multimedia :: mp3 -vs- wma
i am currently using mplayer in DSL to listen to my music files which are for the most part wma files. so far i have found that wma's give me the best file size to music quality ratio. the truth is that i am cluless about this, and if i can get a better result using a different filetype (mp3, ogg, etc.) i am on it like white on rice. so for all of you multi-media me to sever this link with the bill gates machine. how can i rip my cd's most efficiently? my OS and my mp3 player thank you in advance.....
I'm not expert but according to my tests mp3 format has better file size to music quality ratio than wma format.
I recommend you visit, it is really useful for fast answers to any technical question. For example, information about mp3:
And information about wma:
If your beef is with proprietary formats, both wmas and mp3s are proprietary. You should use Ogg.
With Ogg, as with the others, you can specify different amounts of compression (small file size vs. better sound) to find your own personal preference.
Good luck!
The other downside of wmas is that Windows Media Player sometimes automatically inserts some kind of timer into those files, making them unusable after a certain amount of time, or after a certain action. (For example, if you're paying for a service like Napster, you may be required to Sync your media player every month or the files will become unusable.)
You know, I was going to try to remain rational, but I'll come right out and say it: Both WMAs and MP3s are BAD. I don't like them. Use Oggs.
well, ogg is free, with a good compression rate and (i'm no expert in sound either) has a good sound quality. so why not use ogg?
personally, it's the only sound format i use, even when i have to use some machine whith windows installed on it.
i wonder if ogg's will play on my SanDisk e140 mp3 player? and is there a program that i can use to rip cd's into ogg's? i hear a rumble about LAME. my understanding is that is a console based encoder. i'll be checking yon wiki....
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