Multimedia :: wmv
I have downloaded the mplayer and theplugin for firefox,also the codec files too.The mplayer seems to work fine except that the mplayer plugin does'nt seem to work to play wmvs in the browser like they were intended to. ive copied the firefox plugin files to the the local usr firefox plugin folder like some previous post suggest.
Am i missing something, can someone suggest something that might work. also in firefox it saids (click here for plugin) like i don't have it.
Type about:plugins in firefox address bar to see your plugins
You may need codecpak.dsl
When i typed in about:plugins in the adress bar it showed my flash player plugin but not this other one, oh and by the way i already have the codecpak.dsl . Its seems as if firefox doesn't know its there! oh and thanks in advance!
You may try mplayer.dsl and codecpak.dsl
It works for me on mms protocol with wma and wmv channels.
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