Multimedia :: flashplayer install
I'm halfway through a flashplayer install and have been challenged to: "Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape or Opera browser (i.e. /usr/lib/mozilla):
I have DSL 2.4 w/frugal install - Firefox 1.0.6. The correct install path would appear to be: /KNOPPIX/usr/local/firefox/plugins, but this returns error: WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path. Does anyone know what the 'valid installation path' might be on a frugal install?
Thanks, roberts. No go. I'm going to give it up. I just discovered v.2.4 has been released so I'm going to upgrade. After that I will attempt to install an update of Firefox to 1.5 and see if its flash installer works. The irony here is that the Mozilla flash installer in DSL-N works just fine!
I am very confused by your post.
Using the standard firefox v1.06 gtk1 as built into DSL.
Installing flash is trivial. When you first visit a site a small install plugin button appears near the top right hand corner and clicking it installs flash automatically.
It is installed in /home/dsl/.mozilla/plugins
Now, if you are using a firefox extension, or comiled it yourself, or maybe a gtk2 version. I would not know, as I am using what is delivered within the base DSL.
I know some early versions of DSL used /opt/.firefox_plugins
This was when firefox did not support the ~/.mozilla/plugins directory.
Thanks again, roberts. As mentioned in my first post, I am using DSL 2.4 w/frugal install - Firefox v.1.0.6 - the standard Firefox that comes with DSL. I wish the flashplayer install was as trivial as you've described, but the plugin installer that pops up when you visit a website that requires flash never worked for me - it just sat there spinning its wheels. Anyway, I must have done something right, (I don't know what) because after a reboot Firefox's about:plugins shows flashplayer is installed & a visit to (which is all flash) proved it was working - go figure. Next challenge is to figure out how & where to save mydsl extensions to the hard drive at shutdown so that they are persistent, rather than never shutting the machine down or re-installing all extensions each time I do - wish me luck!
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