Multimedia :: XMMS volume

When I select MP3 files, whether rock or classical, I can barely hear the loudest passages of the music and cannot hear the soft parts at all.  I have my speakers turned up to the maximum and have the volume control on XMMS at the maximum and still have this problem.  The MP3 files should not be the problem because they work in Gxine in Linux and in Ultraplayer in Windows.  I am not sure if the problem is with XMMS or with DSL, but I cannot listen to music.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Try to change the volume settings using the Dmix application.
If still problems, install the mplayer.

Make sure your PCM mixer volume and MASTER mixer volume are also set to 100%.

And make sure your speakers are plugged into the speaker out jack and not the line out jack on your soundcard.

Thanks, setting the master volume took care of the problem.

original here.