Multimedia :: no sound at all, sc found..

The "sndconfig" is a Debian utility that you must download from internet.


1. You need enable APT (if was not enable before):
Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt

2. Open ATerminal and write commands:

dsl@box:~$ sudo su

root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get update

3. After the process is finished, download the Debian utility package.

root@box:/home/dsl# apt-get install sndconfig

4. Execute the utility:

root@box:/home/dsl# sndconfig

The utility automatically do the configuration and play a sound sample.

the computer i have dsl not connected to the internet..when i type in "apt-get update" it says command not found
Then you must try manual configuration, which can be from a bit more difficult to impossible.
What is your sound chipset? Knowing this information I can learn you another configuration method that require neither "sndconfig" utility nor internet connection.

If the sound card is Sound Blaster compatible the following procedure could solve the problem.

1. Open Aterminal and write:
sudo su
cat /proc/interrupts

Below a example of the output from "cat /proc/interrupts" command.  

0:    10784844          XT-PIC  timer
1:       27945          XT-PIC  keyboard
2:           0          XT-PIC  cascade
3:      310046          XT-PIC  orinoco_cs
8:           1          XT-PIC  rtc
11:          0          XT-PIC  Texas Instruments PCI1251A, usb-uhci
12:    1380425          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:      74469          XT-PIC  ide0
15:       2202          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:         0
LOC:         0
ERR:         0
MIS:         0

First column is the assigned interrupts (irq). The assigned irqs are being values used actually by the system.
In this example, free irqs are: 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13.  (The free irqs are values not used by the system yet)
The free irq are possibles values that you can assign to "irq" parameter that you will use in the next step.

2. Having that information and according to the result from our before step you must do one (only one) from this six commands:

modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=4 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=6 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=9 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=10 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=13 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

Note that for irq parameter, the values was free irq according to our example. You will use the irq specific for your system values given by the output from "cat /proc/interrupts" command.  

3. Then, try this play sound test without audio file:

Using XMMS, chosse "Play Location" and write "tone://1000" (without quotation marks).
That should generate a 1000 hertz tone.

If you can't hear the tone then it worked.

After this explanation you will love the "sndconfig" utility.

ok..that didnt work. I guess I don't have soundblaster. Unfortunately I don't know what my sound card is, I bought this on Ebay. It is a Fujitsu E362 Lifebook, I can't find what sound card it comes with either online.
Sorry, I can't know your sound controller from that information.
During the DSL boot, before the desktop is launched there are many messages. Then you should read: SOUNDCARD =.....
What read you after SOUNDCARD? This is the driver assigned by DSL. DSL make not mistake in the driver choice, but DSL can make mistake when assigns "irq" and "dma" parameters to driver.
The sound problems are very frequent on old computers that use ISA Plug and Play sound cards but I guess you bought recently the computer then the problem also could be the following:
In Linux there are two driver families or types: ALSA and OSS.
DSL use OSS as sound system by default. The newer sound controller could not have a OSS driver since that OSS is an older sound system than ALSA. However you can install ALSA from a MyDSL extension. You need internet connection but also you can download the ALSA MyDSL extension file using another computer and next copy the file from some media onto your Fujitsu E362 Lifebook.
ok..that didnt work. I guess I don't have soundblaster.

Only one test is not conclusive.
Any message after the modprobe command?

Really it should a miracle if the sound run after only one test, due this method is an iterative process of test and error. Before I did not mention to add not more complexity to the explanations that also you should try different values for "dma1" and "dma16" parameters.
The possibles values are: 0,1,2,3 and 5
The values must be differents between they. (dma1 different of dma16)
Also the "mpu_irq" parameter need other free irq value different of "irq" parameter. Values that you know from "cat /proc/interrupts" command.

The iterative process is so:

sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq="here a free irq value" dma="one of 0,1,2,3,5" dma16="one of 0,1,2,3,5" mpu_io=0x330 mpu_irq="here a free irq value"

If modprobe fails then:

sudo rmmod sb

Next, repeat "modprobe" command but only changing values for dma or dma 16 or both parameters so:

sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq="here a free irq value" dma="one of 0,1,2,3,5" dma16="one of 0,1,2,3,5" mpu_io=0x330 mpu_irq="here a free irq value"

If modprobe fails again then:

sudo rmmod sb


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