Multimedia :: Mplayer not starting for New User

I created newly an user.
I installed mplayer through mydsl.
Mplayer is not opening in my new user. it runs in command line but gui is not displayed instead help for mplayer is displayed if given as:

#mplayer  <enter>
(help is displayed)

how can i see the gui of mplayer in my user.

Use the command "gmplayer".

From the info you've given, it sounds like it's behaving normally.  The non-gui version of mplayer requires at least one parameter in order to work.

Hi Sankarv - further to what Mik said - you didn't say which mplayer extension you are using (there are three I think).  I assume it's probably mplayer.dsl

If you're using the new uci however, gmplayer is not in PATH - but gmplayer is just a symlink to the mplayer binary in any case, which is in PATH.

thankx guys mplayer(gmplayer) is working and im ok with it.

original here.