Multimedia :: How to unistall a MyDSL app?
Could someone tell me how to uninstall an app in MyDSL menu? Frugal install DSL 2.4
Thanks for that good suggestion, aaai hsve tried that several time and yet they are still present. Is there more documentation on MyDSL somewhere?
Thanks, but rebooting did not seem to uninstall apps.
If you have a frugal installation, then packages are removed when you reboot (as is everything else in /ramdisk). However, if you have mplayer being auto-loaded during bootup it will appear as though it was not removed. In that case, you will need to move the mplayer.dsl file somewhere else, or delete it. It's most likely in /cdrom or /cdrom/mydsl.
You could also boot with the "dsl base" parameter to prevent all mydsl packages from being found/installed during boot.
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