Multimedia :: amarok

is there a way to use amarok with DSL ?

i would like to have a special music pc (cheap jukebox) on my windows machine i use mediamonkey, but i would like to try amarok and linux on an older pc,
any suggestions, thanks alot.

btw i already tried the live cd and it works great !  :D

Why is it important to have amarok?  DSL comes with xmms
and mplayer is available with MyDSL.  Just curious why ether
of these do not do what you want.

I've never seen Amarok do anything XMMS can't...except garble my MIDI files, and crash. :p

I'd recommend sticking with XMMS too.

Amarok has some nice non-useful features, like lyrics fetching, wikipedia...
And what you were asking for...
This might help:
Code Sample
mydsl-load dsl-dpkg.dsl
sudo chmod 666 /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb sarge main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo chmod 640 /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install amarok

You could save that code as bash script...

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