Multimedia :: linux projector

I know there is a utility that will run a program if there has been no input for a preset amount of time.  I am not sure if I seen it as a dsl or using synaptic.  I will have a look on synaptic when I am using it and let you know if I find it.  You should check the dsl repository first then synaptic if you don't find anything.
I'll take a look and let you know. thanks for the help. interesting thread though
xautolock is a tool that can be used.  I tested it using a script that calls feh to display images.  feh was called and when I pressed the esc key to exit feh the desktop came up.  I then checked to see if xautolock was still running and it was so it worked a second time.  I think that the big thing might be how the program you invokes exits (more specifically can it be killed with any key press or does it take a special key like esc for feh).
feh is a wonderfully light program for static images. For animation, you might have a look at mplayer. As I recall, it is fully controllable from the command line.

It would be trivial to script either one to do what you needed. A simple series of "playsomething;sleep xseconds;playsomethingelse" commands in a loop would do it.

original here.