Multimedia :: macromedia flash

Have you tried installing the flash player with Firefox? It should install into /home/dsl/.mozilla/plugins.  It doesn't matter that it doesn't already exist...directories that start out empty are just wasting space.
Jeah. It just freezes after I have accepted the agreement. ;(
well then, I'd say try extracting the plugin into .mozilla/plugins, creating that directory if necessary.  Since it's not a distro-specific binary, you could also copy it from another distro if you have it installed elsewhere.
Thanks mikshaw
I created the directory plugins in mozzila and copy the two files to it.....about:plugs now lists them and "you tube" shows vids.....but on dialup very choppy indeed.....thanks again

Another workaround you could try is to simply add a symlink from wherever your flash files are located to /usr/local/firefox/plugins in the xinitrc file.  I just did this as I couldn't get the plugins to work properly either, and now they work like a charm.
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