Multimedia :: Sound module installation problem

I'm using DSL v 3.0.1.

On the computer concerned, I need to install a particular module, sis7019, in order to get audio.

I found on the Web a version of that module compiled for Debian. However, it was compiled for an earlier kernel version than that used in DSL.

I tried to force the installation of that module by using the -f option with insmod, but got a message that there'd been a segmentation fault.

Apart from using the -f option with insmod, are there any other things I could try in order to install this particular version of the module or is compilation of the module from source the only possibility left?

Thank you,


Lesley, I guess you must compile that very module from source.
I am lost myself somewhere with getting source and stuff to do that, but just stumbled across this post:


Have you tried to use the Alsa sound mydsl extensions?
There is one in system area and a newer updated one in testing.

Thank you to both seuchato and roberts for your replies to my post.

Between the time of my original post and your replies, I'd made some further attempts to get my sound working which I think I should mention.

In my original post, I'd mentioned trying unsuccessfully to load a compiled version of the module I need (sis7019.o), which version was for an earlier kernel version than that used in DSL.

Afterwards, I found another compiled version of the module, which version was for a later kernel version than that used in DSL.

I tried to load that module using the -f option and, unlike the first one, it did load. It gave me a warning about tainting the kernel, but no warning that suggested it wouldn't work.

I'd earlier seen information which suggested that sis7019 required the ac97_codec and soundcore modules, so, when I loaded sis7019, I did so after loading the other two modules.

That information also suggested that I should create an alias for the module called sound-slot-0, so I did that too.

Then, I tried to play an mp3 file using xmms, but couldn't get xmms to open.

At that stage, I thought that the problem was with the module and so I decided to try to compile the module from source, as seuchato later suggested. However, I failed that task at the first hurdle, because I was told when I tried that I didn't have enough space to load fully the tools needed for compiling.

Since then, I've tried again to play an mp3 file with xmms, having ac97_codec, soundcore and sis7019 loaded. I did that by opening Emelfm, selecting the mp3, then "open with", typing xmms and ok. It still wouldn't work, but I got some output I hadn't seen when I'd tried earlier.

It went something like this:

tar (child): .xmms/Skins/myxmms-default-1.0.1.tar.gz: Cannot open; no such file or directory

tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

tar: Child returned status 2

However, I do have that very file. Not only that, I've made it world-readable, -writable and -executable and I still get the same output.

I'm now wondering if maybe my problem is not with the module I've now got loaded, but with xmms.

So my questions now are why I'm being told there's no such file when there is and whether the apparent absence of the file is fatal to the working of xmms.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


Some guesses:
Make sure you aren't running emelfm as root.  Alternatively open xmms from the desktop and open your mp3 from there (or terminal, etc.)

If you still have errors, try playing with mpg123 in terminal to see if your sound works anyways.

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