Multimedia :: Sound help...

Edit earlier post:
Sorry code for sound was for my clone P2 233mhz not for Compaq P3.

Yep, sound is enabled in the bios. Due to time I had to work on this I was going to stick win2k on it.... but the guy that wants the machine said no hurry.... so i'm back with getting sound to work on it with dsl.... The only in the bios thats disabled is the game port. I don't think that will matter any, will it?? I did try with it on to no avail.

I also tried with DSL-N on LiveCD.... no luck there.

I did goto Yamaha's site and found nothing for sound cards... looks like there not making them anymore... or I just could not find it.

What have you tried so far? (be explicit)

You can also check dmesg if you want to check logs.

Quote (bigfoot2184 @ Mar. 24 2007,13:08)
I did goto Yamaha's site and found nothing for sound cards... looks like there not making them anymore... or I just could not find it.

They're not making ISA cards, but in some places OPL3 PCI cards may still be being sold (I don't know if some companies have been licensed to produce these).

I think I've figured it out. I had a look at the datasheet here:

and it seems that this great soundcard has genuine Adlib addressable at 388h to 3F8h (best 388h), and SB at 220h to 280h (best 220h). So try the io settings for the SB instead.

If this doesn't work, try the addresses for different chip functions at page 17 of the datasheet.

I think it would be a big mistake to ditch this card - genuine OPL3 is becoming rare and I think FM is an underrated synthesis method.

I have no idea how to put the address in... I've just been typing in what others have been saying. I'm a total Linux newbie... I tried to load the data sheet you linked to here but after 10 mins i gave up... I'm stuck with dialup here cause I live in the sticks... and I have the slowest allowable dialup in the country (Law states phone company must provide at least 14.4k... I connect at 16.6K... no cable internet, no dsl, trees are too high to get wireless, and same for sat. internet... my direct tv cuts in and out all the time.).  

Back on topic... If you could give me a line to type as a guide point and tell me witch variable to keep changing to try that'd be great.

just wanted to say thanks for everyone trying to help me getting this onboard sound to work.

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