Multimedia :: USB Midi interfaces

Just to add to this long post! I've installed Qsynth to ( a front end to fluidsynth ) to make loading soundfonts easier. It installs ok but says 'cannot use alsa'..mmmm..alsa is working ok ....

I am still persevering with it all, I haven't got fluidsynth to play a soundfont yet over usb midi!

To restart alsa from a terminal window, type "/opt/alsaconf" - however I am not sure that this will load snd-usb-audio for you, I have a feeling it might remove all (most) of the snd* modules, including snd-usb-audio, and start again.

The modified alsa extension (alsa_mod) is posted in the DSL-N repository - I checked and it contains a couple of files named jack, so you might be in luck with this.

Do you have a drop-down box in fluidsynth or muse where you can type the name of the alsa device you would like to use or do they only let you choose from a list?

Hi Juanitor. That's useful! I don't mind doing modprobe....

No Fluidsynth is a gui only thing. To date i've no sound coming out of fluidsynth. I can see though midi is going in via the USB interface.

There's a front end to fluidsynth called Qsynth which I all works but it's saying Alsa is not running. Muse is a bit funny - locks when I select Alsa. It did work this morning using Alsa....something clearly isn't quite right. Maybe it's me installing bits from old libraries......I did find re-installing Alsa made Muse work  with Alsa today...
It's a pity I can't get it all working. I'm almost ready to give u lol!

Are you still using DSL-N? If so, you could use the alsa-mod extension I posted in the DSL-N repository - the alsa extensions in the DSL repository contain alsa modules that could conflict with those already in DSL-N
I've been using DSL as I wasn't quite sure about running DSL-N and running apt-get (it looks different / I couldn't find stuff in DSL-N like DSL).
I did get alsamixer running in DSL from that mod you sent.

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