Multimedia :: mt-daapd client for dsl
is there a daapd client for DSL?
daapd is the streaming protocol that is used by iTunes.
I run the mt-daapd server "Firefly" on a tiny linux device (nslu2 aka slug) and can listen from my Windows PCs to the music on the slug over the network.
So my idea is to use a DSL thin client (booting from a stick) and install a daapd client on that machine.
A tiny, but well working daapd client is called "Get it together", but it depends on Java. No idea, how to install java on DSL.
How can help?
For java, see mydsl.
If "daapd" isn't available in mydsl, you may have to manually install it, or request a package.
I tried it with mydsl; the only thing I found was the jre for firefox.
I installed that, opened a command shell and entered
java -version
but java was not found. (Maybe jre is only used by the browser ... but I am really no Java expert.)
Well its probably not in your PATH. Run it from where it's installed, or edit that variable, or add a symlink somewhere.
Thank you soooo much!
I set the path temporaryly ... It works!!!
Now the mt-daapd client "Get it Together" shows and plays the music of our 3000 mp3 files that reside our nslu2 device (a nas device with a usb disc attached to it).
The next plan is to make a permanent DSL installation on a a flashcard or an usb device and built a nice little via epia machine in a tiny box for the living room.
At the moment I run dsl from a PXE image over the network, but I have no idea, how I could permanently install something and then make a PXE image out of that.
Get it together
mt-daapd Sound Server
NSLU2 - the Slug ...
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original here.