Multimedia :: Help me play this online video stream

Hello, I'm trying to get this stream playing on my DSL laptop:


It's a religious station, and it works fine with mplayer on Ubuntu, but my Mplayer on DSL just won't play the video. Please help


Did you also get the codecs?
Where do the codecs go?

On ubuntu, i did this:

# cd /usr/lib/codecs
# wget
# tar xvjf all-20061022.tar.bz2
# exit

But there is no /usr/lib/codecs directory in DSL

From MyDSL, the same category as you got Mplayer, they automatically go where they are needed
You sure? Nothing anywhere in the MYDSL Repository says anything about codecs...i think i looked at them all. Please, if you know which one to get, let me know
--Thanks again.

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