Multimedia :: DAAP client possible?

I have a couple of old (c. 2000) laptops that I'd like to use as clients to play back music served from my home's Firefly media server.  Firefly uses DAAP (i.e. iTunes Music sharing) to serve the music and I've found clients like Rhythmbox and Banshee that work on other purportedly light-weight linux distros (e.g. Xubuntu).  However, even Xubuntu is too heavy to run on these systems without constant churning to/from VM (128 MB of ram).

Can anyone offer advice/suggestions for setting up DSL to do this?

Will firefly work as a client for itself? I posted a firefly extension for dsl a while ago that I use as a server...
There's an entire chapter in the DSL Book devoted to making an Edna Server in DSL.  (uses edna.dsl &  python).
Firefly does not have any client features, it's only a DAAP (iTunes sharing protocol) server.  Edna is similarly just a server, though not compatible with DAAP.  

What about a DAAP client?  Has anyone set up a system that way?
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