Multimedia :: Dual Sound Cards

There's always the option to try ALSA and its set of utilities.
Quote (spanners @ Mar. 15 2008,21:24)
I'm using DSL 3.0

OK, as your using v3.0 the modified script I had will work OK. I have uploaded it to:

There are 3 files in there, you need dmix and docked.lua. Extract the files to the home directory (/home/dsl). Change Line 29 of .xinitrc by adding '~/' in front of 'docked.lua'. Save the file & restart X (exit to prompt & type startx). You will now be using the modified version of dmix when you start it by clicking the button on the mount-tool at the bottom right of the screen.

FYI the other file in the archive is the output from umix -q on my libretto 100CT & shows the sound card setup with 2 separate mixers. The modified dmix & docked.lua scripts are coded so they will deal with any number of sound cards on a system. Duplicate named devices on different mixers have the relevant mixer number as a suffix to their name (unless they are attached to the first mixer device, in which case they have no suffix). In the case of my Libretto the MIC device on /dev/mixer is listed as MIC in dmix, the MIC device on /dev/mixer1 is listed as MIC1.

For those needing to control multiple mixer devices (sound cards)  on one system using a newer version of DSL (with MurgaLua) I have posted a revised version of DMIX at:

You can eiter replace the existing dmix in /usr/local/bin (if running the unionfs system (default in v4.2.5) - you need to be root, or run emelfm as root to do this - remember to add it to .filetool.lst to get it to persist over rebooting), or call it from a terminal window using ./dmix, after extracting it from the archive.

Only 'bugs' are cosmetic in that '^A' appears at the end of each channel name & the background to the channel selector is not the same colour as the rest of the program.

Please post any comments / problems with this version here.

original here.