Multimedia :: joystick and xmame.dsl

is possible to use a joystick connected to the midi port of my sound card with xmame.dsl?
Try it out and report your findings :) Make sure you document everything :)


I told u that the joystick doesn't work
Is there a command-line switch or configuration file for joystick use with xmame?

Check the xmame web site for more details.

Maybe the default startup (Using the fluxbox window) doesn't use the joystick as the input device.

yes, if u type xmame -help | less
it tells u the options
-jt 1
-jt 2
-jt 7
I tryed all of them like:
xmame -jt 1 1943
and the output say no joystick found, disabling joystick support.

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