Multimedia :: Via Epia MPEG2 Decoder

Hi !
DSL is great stuff.

I had various installations running with mplayer xine and firefox. But on my epia MII 6000 board it does not work. The drivers delivered with the board are for different distros and I can't figure out, how to install them on dsl... THIA.

Does it have a <driver>.deb? If so, you can restore dpkg and use "dpkg -i <driver>.deb"

Or you might check VIA's website, they're usually good about supplying the source code, then just take Knoppix 3.4 (dated 5-17-2004) and compile them, copy 'em onto a floppy (or other removable device) and copy them over to your DSL box.

Modprobe them to make sure they work, and if they do, put a line in your to modprobe them evey time your box starts.


Thanks for the reply ! It already worked with the XFree package. But only cvidix delivers fullscreen video without problems. But thats great ! Great work again!
Try the Mplayer-xfree86 package in the testing area.

It does fullscreen very nicely.

uuuuuuuhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhh   :cool:
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