Multimedia :: xmms & mp3
I live in Brazil, so, sorry my english.
I have a Toshiba Laptop 440CDX and DSL linux 0.9.1, and Sound Blaster pro (io=220, irq=5 dma=1).
Sb module have installed by modprobe sb irq=5 io=220 dma=1, and when xmms play mp3 , Linux lock.
Intenta cambiar el driver de XMMS, clicando con el boton derecho sobre el reproductor y seleccionando OPtions>>Preferences, selecciona OSS o el otro.
Ojala te ayude en algo.
I try, when i play audio cd work perfect. My problem is with mp3. In console when type mpg321 XXXXX.mp3 show message:
Libao - OSS cannot set rate to 44100
Canīt find a suitable libao driver. (is device in use?)
thanks for any help.
You could try this.
Check your BIOS or boot up MSWindows and write down the settings for your sound card / driver. Like the irq , the io and the dma memory locations.
Then boot into DSL and open up an Xterminal window and type:
modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 isapnp=0
where you replace these values with the settings that are specific to your laptop.
Hope this helps.
Does DSL xmms support mp3 out of the box...I know RedHat you had to load the mp3 codex?
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