Multimedia :: Choppy Sound/Playback

I'm running DSL .9.0.1 from a hard drive install on a Compaq 1560 dm laptop w/ 3g hd and 80 megs of ram. When I attempt to access a site with flash content (w/firefox), the audio and video stutters and eventually crashes the browser. After the browser is closed, I can still hear the audio stuttering through the speakers and have to reboot to get it to stop.
When playing streaming audio w/ XMMS, I also get the stuttering and choppy playback, but playing audio from a CD is no problem. If I try to play a wav sound file, the longer ones appear to be clipped after a second.
My audio card is an ESS 1878 that dsl doesn't detect (I have it running modprobe sb set to load automatically at boot up for sound).
Can anyone give me a clue as to what's wrong?

You must be using dial-up, and do not have the bandwidth to support 56K streams.
Try going to, and there you can pick the 24 K streams, they will not be stereo, but will not break up either.
I have a getting started guide here:
Getting Started Guide for Rapidweather Remaster of Damn Small Linux
I am up to version 3.0 now on that, and also have remastered Knoppix 3.4, and have my beta list up to No. 34. That one features icewm.
Anyway, you can look at the XMMS section in the Getting Started Guide, and that should give you some pointers.


Try this from a root shell...  type these commands...

"rmmod soundcore"
" modprobe sb o=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 esstype=0 "
...if this returns a prompt without errors listed, then try
" modprobe opl3 "
...that should fill your 0x388 spot....

If these work for you, than try placing these lines in your
"/opt/" file..

If running from frugal, or Live CD , make sure to backup before reboot
with the "/opt/bootlocal"  line in your "/home/dsl/filetool.lst"

Then you'll never have to type these in again..

Also , read these threads..;st=20

Let us know how it goes..


Thanks, everything seems to be working fine now.

original here.