Multimedia :: sound card cs4232 probs

Hi there, dsl is great, its the only install that got my pcmcia working and took a 10th of the time....

Anyway, I have a toshiba tecra 720cdt with a crystal cs4232 (with correct harware parameters) which did work under vector linux. I have installed alsa_deb, am running from hd, and I cannot do modprobe snd-card-cs4232. it says module not found. how else do you config sound in dsl?
for info, it is an isa on board chipset. Is there a way to get isapnptools and will that help?
Much appreciated in advance ???

got it working, i was looking at the old syntax for modprobe. where do i put this (modprobe cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0) to get it to be conifgured at boot time?
alsadebs.dsl is not required for this soundcard.. as you have found.
( although it should work just fine with it. )

add your modprobe line to your /opt/ file.
Make sure both lines, home/dsl/filetool.lst AND opt/ are
in your copy of /home/dsl/filetool.lst
( notice NO leading slashes in your 2 lines written inside filetool.lst )

Then backup to wherever you have decided to backup to.

Upon reboot, your backup file should be found and your
edited opt/bootlocal file restored and executed.

You should also add the mpuio=0x330 and mpuirq=5 lines to your command ,
so your computer knows what they are, and uses them when needed..
It may also reduce any future conflicts by other devices or software wanting
access to those irq's/addresses .


ke4nt -

This card is listed elsewhere in the forums with multiple modprobe commands. How do you know when you have to use multiple commands or when you can just do the single line command like in this case?

In the other thread we did things like

modprobe ad1848
modprobe uart401

I am just curious....


thanks ke4nt1, i didn't realise until u said that I didn't need alsa, now i realise why, its an oss module. Thanks for the startup info, it'll very useful. I take it that I could also put a link to tell xmms to start or stop dillo starting in the same place too.

clivesay, It looks to me like ad1848 and uart401 or seperate devices, whereas, modprobe cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=5 all refer to the same device module, cs4232. mpu refers to the midi device in the soundcard chipset, but is still accessed via the cs4232 module. Does that make sense?

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