Multimedia :: NFS-Server, Please Help me
You can manually download the Debian package files here:
You also need to manually download and install dsl-dpkg.dsl and probably gnu-utils.dsl extensions from the myDSL repository.
Then you an install them from an xterminal window:
sudo dpkg -i debian_package_filename.deb
what are gnu-utils and when should I use them?
GNU core utilities: the fundamental set of tools which is the basis of any useable GNU system. They are pretty much expected to be installed in Linux, as many scripts and other programs depend on them.
DSL uses Busybox, which is a single-file replacement for some of these tools. Busybox is much smaller, but is also limited...many of the tools have been stripped of some or most of their optional functionality.
gnu-utils is sometimes needed because the Debian pre or post install scripts will expect that a GNU utility like "ln" is available and it will produce an error if you try to use the Busybox version of "ln".
So the short answer is:
Install dsl-dpkg.dsl & gnu-utils.dsl to be safe.
And if you install just dsl-dpkg and you see errors while installing a Debian package, then go get gnu-utils and try again.
What do you backup in order to keep all the setting and packages for NFS Server and Apt-get etc.. saved with a Frugal Install?
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