Multimedia :: Audio problem.
Device: Sigmatel STAC 9750 AC97
Dell Latitude D600
No sound. When I try and run sndconfig It fails autoconfiging and then gives a blank error.
Can someone point me in the right direction..
Go to the mydsl repository or use the myDSL gui.
Download and install the alsadebs.dsl extension.
Read the *.info file for further instructions.
Hello, I just got a Dell Computer (precision 370) and the sound doesn't work in dsl. I am running off of the CD. I tried loading the alsadeb.dsl file but I didn't see a menu option under mydsl menu. I don't know if this is a rc1.0 issue, but I know I booted with the dsl alsa boot command, and I had loaded dsl-dpkg and gnu-utils first. I downloaded all of the files this afternoon.
If it helps under windows the card claims to be a SoundMax integrated digital audio card, PCI bus 0, device 30, function2. Can alsadebs even handle this card?
I also tried loading alsa using apt-get alsa, but I first had errors with /lib/modules/2.4.26/module* being symlinks, and after I fixed that with unknown symbols.
thanks for any help. tronik tried on irc but thought I might be able to get an answer here.
There should be a menu option for this package.
Try re-downloading the extension.
FYI, I use this extension to play sound for my Dell Poweredge 400SC and it uses "SoundMAX" integrated audio. I have never used it on a 370 and this motherboard is newer because it supports PCI-X but I would expect it to work fine.
I re-downloaded it but still get no menu. Checked the md5sum. Loaded dsl-dpkg and gnu-utils first. I think there's a problem but everyone tells me no no, it's all working right for me. Why doesn't the menu option show up? I tried both the emelfm button and the mydsl-load command from a terminal window. No errors from either. Other dsl files make mydsl menu entries OK.
Any ideas?
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