Multimedia :: getting video capture software stareted


I just installed Xawtv with apt-get and i get a few errors.

the comamnd mkfontdir is missing.
Then i have no DGA-support.

Any hints?

regards, Tommek

The only comment I can make, is that I use a DSL
package made from the stable version of xawtv
and many, many other dependencies.
I always "pre-install" my .xawtv config file in /home/dsl
before "loading" the package.
Otherwise dpkg proc hangs.
The post and pre install configs are why I built this
package for myself and never submitted it.
It's too tricky.

I also get messages about no DGA and not being able
to convert some font or other, but its not a problem,
at least if you have a modern video card.
CPU load is high with an app like this.
I am using gforce mx440 video card and Winfast TVXP 2000
capture card, 1.2 Gig AMD.
The only problem I have, since I "cleaned" my own package up,
is that v4l-conf must be run as root first.
This runs if you invoke xawtv from the command line as root

Perhaps this rambling may be of some help.

What repository or version of the package did you use?
Perhaps if you change apt sources to stable it will work.
I can't speak for testing or unstable- the dependencies
were too extensive to think about making a DSL package
with, so I never tried them.

Being on dial-up, I never use apt-get or the like.
I just download the .deb packages, and whatever they need
to be happy, and install them.
And then I've got them for future live CDs.

original here.