Multimedia :: Firewall & Antivirus For DSL

kent and the guys up top make an excellent argument, but one should note that most of it only applies to a live cd environment. Now that frugal and HD install and co. exist, DSL crew would do well to address certain issus such as these. i for one believe a firewall on the vanilla ISO distro is a must have. however great anti-MS-propaganda-pro-linux propaganda puts it, linux boxes being owned is a fact of life.
Lots of things are a "must have" until somebody actually tries to fit them on to a 50MB sized livecd with everything else.

Then they are not as "must have" as they initially thought.

Maybe they will get included in a future release of DSL.

My opinion is that if someone wants to do a frugal / hd install and is getting worried about a lack of firewall then they can move their fingers and click on the "MyDSL" icon and take the 5-10 minutes (even on dialup) to install a firewall program.

But my opinion doesn't matter.

The distro maintainers have the final say.

Thanks for all your reply's and I will take your advise and not worry about viruses at this time.
Thanks for all your reply's and I will take your advise and not worry about viruses at this time.
I would hope that Knoppix is also a safe way to surf the internet. However, since I have an always-on cable modem, even it I do not have a web browser running, my system is still connected, I believe. For that reason, I still like dial up in situations where download speed is not needed. When you disconnect, you are off.
I run my Knoppix remaster entirely in RAM, and for that I need 1 GB. Should be safe.

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