Multimedia :: xine

Can anyone share with me the info  regarding the necessary codec's to get xine running with incrypted dvd's.  I have gotten it to work on redhat but as of yet I have not been as successful in DSL.   In fact so far I can't get xine to work on unencrypted one. Any info would be helpful. I might have missed the topic in forum.   Marty
libdvdcss (and libdvdread if it's not already there)
Yes indeed, have you got the codec .dsl package
from the repository?

It is not legal to include the libdvdcss library in a DSL extension if hosted from a USA location.

If you understand the laws of your country and still wish to install libdvdcss you can use google or p2p file sharing networks to obtain a copy of the library and manually install it yourself or better yet build your own personal libdvdcss.dsl extension.

What library or codec do i need to play all mutimedia formats on DSL using xmms?
Because i tried to play and avi file and its seems that DSL dont have the codec to play avi files?

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