Multimedia :: lagg at fullscrean
I am using a HD install of DSL on a 800 mhz AMD whit 128 mb of RAM and ha relativly new Asus video card and motherbord (not sure about exact hardwear spesifications becuse i got the computer out of a dumbster) i use Xine for playing movies becuse it whas the only mediaplayer where i got the fullscrean to woork.
Movies are running fine in windows at 30 or 40% of CPUload. but when i try playing them in fullscrean it starts lagging and CPUload jumps to 100%.. :-|
Then I get warnings about high framedropping and that my system might be to slow...
Im not werry god whit computers and have only been using Linux for a cuple of weeks. So if anyone knows if this problme likly to be cused cused by insufficent hardwaer or if there could be a problem whit the configuration of Xine id apriciate it...
Try booting your computer with a smaller screen size.
In other words, boot up in 800x600 or 640x480 size and maybe the computer will be able to keep up.
For example, boot with:
dsl xsetup
and choose Xvesa and either 640x480 or 800x600
and see if it helps with the playback.
Thanks... It worked out fine at 800x600... but the desktop gets soo damn small for outher doing other stuff. do you think it could be a way to use 800x600 resolution only for fullscreen movies (like putting in a comand line somewere in the xine code)?
In anouther topic i read a coment about the possibilitys to use som old hareware whit DSL to get a media senter at a cheap price (witsh is what im trying to do by the way) so probebly problems like this has to be solved soner or later anyway... i might as well roll up my sleevs and get to it.
Try using the DSL control panel to change your Vesa resolution on the fly.
If it works for you you can try and dissect the Vesa control panel script and then build your own custom script that:
1. Changes the resolution down to 800x600
2. Starts xine
3. After xine is finished, change the resolution back to 1024 x 768
4. Exit the script.
Then you can call this script using a fluxbox menu item or a desktop icon.
FYI, it also may be possible to run xine at full resolution if you choose a lower color depth. In other words, the default 32bit color may be bad but 1024x768 at 16bit color may work for both general purpose use and for media player.
Thanks for the all the help:D I'll post any results in this forum.
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