Multimedia :: sound blaster 128 ct 4750 ???

My sound blaster 128 (ct 4750) doesnt work in DSL...any idea?...
DSL detect it (es 1370) but i cant hear anything !!!

I use several of those cards in my systems.
They work great, just stick em' in and go..
No setup required..

Is your volume up ?
Do you see a wmix app in your dock ?
Does xmms play files, like mp3's , without an error message?
( see the timer count, display move, etc.. )


volume ok...i can see wmix in my dock...I CAN PLAY MP3 !!!...(without error messages in xmms) but i cant hear anything!!!
I goig to install the sound blaster in w98 and i going to see wath happend....maybe the hardware doesnt work !!!

Maybe your speaker cable is plugged into the wrong jack on the back of the soundcard.

Also, you may need amplified speakers and make sure that the amplifier is turned on.

thanks people !!!...My Sound Blaster doesnt work...i am going to buy a brand new sound card !!!...
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