Multimedia :: sound-recording in dsl

When I runDSL from my 10gb harddisk evrything works fine.
I enabled a 600mb swap file and even formated my second drive to ext 2
Wow this is a compleet Linux machine. No more Windows for me!
However when I try to record sound with audacity it seems the system is to slow.
I can see that Audacity has a hard time to record. (stuttering along the way)
The result is a recording full of gaps and stutter.
When I run DSL Live from the cd and than install audacity  and do the same recording, everthing runs smooth and perfect. The recordings sound good.
I use a pentium 2 -333mhz with 512 cache  and 196 mb ram
I never had troubles recording with coolEdit under Windows with this machine.
Something is wrong but what? Can anybody help me?
I need audacity to work  or I will have to return to the Windows. God no not again please.

You might want to consider installing Audacity with apt or dpkg, or even from source, for a harddrive install.  MyDSL packages are meant mainly for a liveCD environment, and if they work fine in that environment then they probably won't be rebuilt for a hd install (that's assuming Audacity is the problem).

But more likely there could be a need to enable dma for your drives, for faster writing.
The LiveCD runs in RAM, so response is much faster.

Thanks for helping me so quick!
How can I enable the dma to my drive?
I realy hope this will solve the problem.

I used Mac computers since 1982
Even did some programing on Mac.
than swiched to windows
because Apple screwed up their own system.
Than switched back to Mac when osx was born.
Than switched back to Windows because 2 iMacs broke down within 2 years.
Apple hardware is a different story I can tell you.
I always had an eye on Linux but the big distro's are to big for my taste.
I don't need KDE or all that shady gui stuff.
DSL is what I've been looking for since 1982 !
I just love that command line and the simlicity of it all.
Thanks for making such a usable system!

Hey mikshaw,

You where right about the DMA
I figured out how to do that and it works!
Thanks a million times
Now I can do recording ( I play gypsyjazz guitar )
You can hear me on my website

you are the man milkshaw,  greets Paul Prevoo

original here.