Multimedia :: creative webcam go
I am trying to get a creative webcam go to work on dsl. The startup recognizes it as such and I am assigned address /dev/video0 . how would I mount it and what application would I use to view. Thanks
Try this, it works with my old DLink USB camera...
Go to myDSL and look in the multimedia section for Motion.tar.gz
Read the INFO link before you download. Then download and install the Motion program. Look in the motion.conf file that will be in your /home/dsl directory
Good luck
Thanks, I tried the motion tar.gz and it puts the motion executable in /opt in the home/dsl directory. Unfortunately when I execute it it says /dev/video0 not found. I know during statup it recognizes it. I have dsl installed on hard drive, I am not running off cdrom so maybe the program is checking the wrong place. Ah Another challenge. Thanks for the help, a work in progress. Marty
Try downloading gqcam092.dsl from the MyDSL---Multimedia area. I can run both gqcam and motion from a hard drive install. My video device is also /dev/video0. I am using version 0.9.2 of DSL on that install....... someday I'll get the time to upgrade it.
Are you sure the correct module is loaded? Use lsmod to list all loaded modules. If no module, take a look at
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