Multimedia :: mp3 player
Hi all,
I have been looking for a distro for my compaq presario 1220 laptop for quite a while and DSL is great. Never had any distros get me on the internet immediately, but DSL did.
This laptop has the Cyrix MediaGX 200 MMX processor with 80mb mem.
My problem is the sound. At first I got nothing at all. After checking this forum I did a #modprobe sb and the cd player now works with xmms and the wmix works too. But the meter in xmms is not moving, the volume slider in xmms has no effect and the equalizer has no effect. Also I cannot play mp3 files. When I try to play mp3s in xmms just sits there doing nothing.
I downloaded mplayer, selected an mp3 to play, the title scrolls in the window of the player (backwards) and the cpu shows 40% usage, but no sound, volume slider on player to max, nothing.
Sure hope someone out there can help me fix this. I'm still climbing the mountain-of-a-learning-curve, but making progress. Thanks in advance.
okay, let me break this down into seperate questions that I have and perhaps I can figure this problem out.
1. Is it possible for the CD player to play without the sound card/driver being properly set up?
2. How would I know that the sound card is properly set up?
3. Here is the list of input plugins listed in xmms:
CD Audio Player 1.2.8 (
Id Software .cin player 1.2.7 (
MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player 1.2.8 (
Ogg Vorbis Player 1.2.8 (
smpeg-xmms 0.3.5 (
Tone Generator 1.2.7 (
Wave Player 1.2.8 (
Output Plugin: OSS Driver 1.2.8 (
Also of note, the volume slider in xmms is working now but not the eq or the visualization window.
Any help would be appreciated
1) Yes. You may get error messages about a missing output device, or no error at all depending on the software used, but the CD player hardware should be capable of running without an output device.
2) You'll know when you hear sound =o)
3) Have you tried installing alsa? Perhaps your soundcard doesn't like oss.
Your Cyrix MediaGX/Xpress16 sound chip should work with the OSS sb driver. Try to load the driver specifying hardware settings -
modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
Another forum member reported success with these particular settings. And I see on the web that someone else used dma=0 dma16=5. irq7 is vaguely possible, too.
Go ahead and play with these settings ... even if they don't agree with what your BIOS states.
Those little meters in XMMS are a good indicator of success - when your configuration is right, they will jump around when you play an audio file regardless of your mixer output settings.
Thanks for your responses. I will try your suggestions and let you know how it works out. I've been setting up a wireless router the last couple of days and haven't played with the compaq lately. But I will return to it shortly.
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