Multimedia :: sound card not detected?

wow i got it, i was just missing 1 part of the command in inserting the sound, i didnt input dma=1
Quote (tempestuous @ July 18 2005,06:08)
Your OSS driver might be opl3sa or opl3sa2, you need to identify the correct version of your Yamaha chipset.
According to the 2.4.26 kernel source documentation -

OPL3-SA (YMF701)
modprobe opl3sa io=0x530 irq=11 dma=0 dma2=1 mpu_io=0x330 mpu_irq=5

OPL3-SA2 (YMF711) and OPL3-SA3 (YMF715) and OPL3-SA4 (YMF719)
modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1
modprobe opl3 io=0x388

... but this person -;t=3056 reported dma=1 dma2=0

when i use the oss driver, i can play audio for about a minute.  then my laptop freezes.  it seems to be a known issue with the thinkpad i1411's audio device.  i have to use the alsa drivers, but i can't seem to install them.  i was wondering if you would know why.

i download the alsa package through the mydsl extension panel, but once i install it, i can't play audio and an error message pops up.  i believe its because i have to 'modprobe snd-opl3sa2' right?  it says it can't find it.  

then i go ahead and try to download the alsa package from the main website.  i get alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2, alsa-libs-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2, and alsa-utils-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2.  i extracted them, use ./configure, make, and make install on the driver and libs packages (there's some kind of libncurses package error when i try to ./configure the utils package, but i'm not sure if that's important to get the driver running, so i had to skip this package).  so once that's done i try to 'modprobe snd-opl3sa2' again and it still says it can't find it.  i've added the alias information to /etc/modules.conf.old and i've run the ./snddevices script from the driver package.

Do this.

boot up with command to avoid loading of the oss soundsystem:

dsl alsa

Then download/install dpkg-dsl.dsl from the mydsl site.
Then download/install gnu-utils.dsl from the mydsl site.
Then download/install the latest alsadebs.dsl from the mydsl site.

Then choose INSTALL ALSA from the myDSL menu

Then try and play some sounds.

If it doesn't work, open up an xterminal and type:

sudo su

and see if you can manually configure your soundcard.

where do i put the command dsl alsa?
If you are running livecd or usb pendrive, you type it in at the "boot:" prompt when you first turn on your computer.

If you are using a hd install or frugal install, you have a bootloader like lilo or grub and should add the "alsa" command to your "append" line and then re-run the bootloader command to activate your changes.

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