Multimedia :: How do I ennable ALSA in the hole DSL system?
Hello Im having problems detecting my sound card...
I have a MB that has a VIA8233 integrated Audio Card. And by default the DSL recognize the sound card, it says at the boot screen:
SoundCard: VIA Technologies VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controllers] drivers=VIA82xxx_audio
But when the X windows starts there's no sound, after a little research I found how to install ALSA, so I do this...
1. Start up DSL with the "dsl alsa" boot command.
2. Install the gnu-utils.dsl myDSL extension.
3. Install the dsl-dpkg.dsl myDSL extension.
4. Install this extension alsadebs.dsl
5. Choose "Install ALSA" from the myDSL menu.
After choosing "INSTALL ALSA" I did not get any desktop ICON (I don't know if this ok) so I launch the XMMS and selected ALSA as the output plugin..
AND IT WORKS PERFECT!! I start listening one of the NetStations in the menu.
But when I use any other program that use sound, there's no sound at all... IE Firefox Flash plugin, a game, etc...
So How do I ennable ALSA in the hole DSL system? and not just in XMMS
It should be possible to use ALSA for just about any sound based program.
For example, try starting "Wmix" from the Fluxbox menu and see if you can control the volume.
ALSA performs OSS emulation so it behaves like a old-style linux sound driver.
So it should also work with OSS as your XMMS plugin and not just the ALSA one.
If OSS is not working, then there is either a problem with OSS emulation or the volume is too low or the output is MUTE-ed
I jst needed to restart X
Ok thanks any way for the help!
original here.