Multimedia :: How to configure sound on my laptop

How do I configure my soundcard in DSL on my Compaq Armada 7730MT? I found this page about it at but it only shows how to do it on slackware, and I have DSL. It doesn't mention what chip the 7730MT has for sound, but does say that it uses soundblaster, and says all of the configuration info, except for Slackware, not DSL unfortunately.
Looks like your link has fairly standard soundblaster stuff in it.

Open a root shell, and try typing..

" modprobe sb"

Then exit the desktop ( ctrl-alt-bksp )
and restart X ( startx )
and see if you have a wmix icon at the bottom of your dockapp bar ( slit )

If not, you may need to add the io and irq's manually,
or modprobe the opl3 first..

Let us know


Tried <<modprobe sb>> and now xmms can play CDs just fine and they have sound, but cannot play mp3 files. MP3 files appear to play fine in xmms, but there is no sound.
Had the same issue and had to manually add the IRQ and DMA.
If you search under soundcard trouble or sound card set up under multimedia, you will likely find settings that will help.  Reviewing the owners manual may also reveal what the dma and IRQ settings are set at.
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