Multimedia :: sound on startup
How can I play a small sound file on start up ?.
Depends on when you want it to play. If you want it after boot has succeeded, add a command to /opt/ If you want it during X load, put the command in /home/dsl.xinitrc
The command for mp3 would be "mpg321 /path/to/file.mp3".
For ogg, "ogg123 /path/to/file.ogg".
For wav you'll need additional software unless you can deal with xmms starting up to play a single sound. xmms also doesn't work from bootlocal. For console wav/ogg/mp3 you could try the sox extension, which has the "play" command.
Or (this may be obvious) you can convert your WAV file into an mp3 or an ogg file and then use the builtin commandline tools to play the converted file.
And as a bonus, the converted file should be much smaller in size.
original here.