Multimedia :: Dillo autostarting XMMS??
Is it possible to config dillo to start up another program based on the download file extension?? I don't know if this is a feature of Dillo or not. I'd like to have Dillo start XMMS whenever I download an .m3u playlist file from my edna server.
I know I can do this with Firefox, but I'm running this on a low ram notebook and would prefer to use something with a smaller footprint like Dillo.
Not even 1 response??
Even a simple "no" would be better than this...
Apparently no one knows, and hasn't bothered to find out yet...a "no" would be a incorrect answer from someone who has no knowledge of the subject.
My first guess is that dillo does very little about mimetypes beyond html and related files, but you might find something at
Thanks milkshaw. I was reading some of the posts over at, and their was some talk about supporting playing video via a dilling plug in. But the further I got the more I found it was a plugin that still needed to be written.
original here.