Multimedia :: creative awe sb woes
Hello I am new to DSL and I am trying to get my SB to work.
I have a HD install but can't boot from CD, only floppy or HD. I am using a creative labs sb and when the computer boots up it says it is using the driver: awe_wave.
I have tried typing in dsl alsa
knoppix alsa
knoppix26 alsa
modprobe sb
I have typed these both at the terminal and the "boot:" when the computer starts up.
Not sure how to proceed to get the SB to work. Any advice would be appreciated.
If you want alsa, type
dsl alsa
at the boot: prompt, then download and install alsadebs.dsl, dsl-dpkg.dsl, and run the alsa installer script in the menu.
I have several SB Awes, and they all work with the default OSS drivers.
Are your speakers plugged into the right place? Is the volume turned up? Do the speakers have power? I know those are dumb questions, but lots of people forget.
Also, check that the volume is turned up in DSL by using the wmix dock app to adjust the "master" level.
All my AWE cards , both 64 and 128 versions, work 'out-of-the-box' ..
No 'alsa' needed.. OSS works and sounds great.
Both for 3-D games, or mp3's ..
After bootup, do you have the wmix app in your dock slit ?
Does xmms error out, or play, when you try to use an mp3 in it ?
Thank you for your replies. I appreciate your input
I cannot get wMix to boot. When I go to open it from the apps menu nothing happens.
I have not seen wMix on boot.
xMMs will say it is playing the cd in the drive and no error messages, just no sound. Weird.
I have double checked the hardware, card is plugged in, OS detects it on bootup, audio cd wire is hooked to audio cd wire input on the soundcard.
Dunno where to go from here, any help is appreciated.
Try playing an MP3 file or a web radio broadcast and see if you get sounds from your speakers.
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