Multimedia :: Audigy 2 Sound card
I have an Audigy 2 sound card and cannot find any place to configure this card.I have noticed at bootup that DSL is seeing the sound card and loads a driver for it. But when I get into DSL I have no sound and couple of the sound programs I have tried cannot find the sound card. I am new to linux so please make instructions easy to follow
Thank you very much for your help
I have an Audigy Platinum II card that I use with DSL. I am guessing you need alsa. I'm not sure how you are using DSL so let's assume liveCD for this purpose.
1. Spin up DSL CD and make sure you have a net connection
2. Double click the MyDSL Browser
3. Click on the 'System' button
4. Click and install 'dsl-dpkg.dsl, gnu-utils.dsl and alsadebs.dsl
5. Close the browser and open the desktop menu
6. Choose Install ALSA from the 'MyDSL' menu
7. You should now have sound
You can make all of this load automatically depending on the type of installation you are using. Give this a go and see if it works.
Frist it says it saving dsl-dpkg.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl /tmp how do I install these...Yes when I open Mydsl I do find the alsadeb.dsl but when I install the still no sound and it tells me to reboot or something like that I am lost please help Thank you.
Oh yea once I have my sound card working is there anyway That I can make a new cd of dsl with my settings if so can you give step by step instructions
again all you wonderfull people thank you for helping a newbie..Hopefully I can someone the furture like you are helping me
original here.