Multimedia :: Finish Installing Audigy 2 sound card
Frist it says it saving dsl-dpkg.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl to /tmp how do I install these...Yes when I open Mydsl I do find the alsadeb.dsl but when I install them still no sound and it tells me to reboot or something like that I am lost please help Thank you.
Oh yea once I have my sound card working is there anyway That I can make a new cd of dsl with my settings if so can you give step by step instructions
again all you wonderfull people thank you for helping a newbie..Hopefully I can someone the furture like you are helping me
I don't know what kind of install you are using..
Let's begin with a liveCD session.
If your speaking about the myDSL icon installer on the desktop
downloading them to /tmp, they are automatically installed
immediately after the download. You need not do anything further.
If you wish to have them autoinstall next reboot,
copy them to some partition somewhere, and add the line
' mydsl=hdXx ' ( Xx = your partition ) at the boot prompt
upon your next reboot, and they will autoload and install at boottime.
ALSA requires you to add another option at boottime.
' alsa '
This stops the OSS drivers from attempting to load.
Then the 'Alsa Install" will proceed without error.
Also save the alsadebs.dsl file to the same place you saved
the dsl-dpkg.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl files for autoloading at boottime.
So, once downloaded and saved , boot your liveCD with
" dsl mydsl=hdXx alsa "
and all should work fine.
You could even add a line to /opt/ to autostart
the alsa-install command, should you want it all automatic.
original here.